The total fundraising platform for raising early-stage investment.
Search our database of 5,000+ hand-curated angel and VC investors. Shortlist and send direct to their inboxes. Track responses and close your round in 60 days.
Trusted by thousands of early-stage founders worldwide
One platform to rule them all
All the tools you need to raise and close an equity fundraising round,
all one powerful, centralised platform.
5,000+ global investors
Search and shortlist from our database of 3,000+ hand-curated angel and VC investors, with direct email addresses.
Send from your email
Send your pitch deck direct, by email, to the VC decision-maker or investor themselves. No more LinkedIn outreach!
Pitch deck hosting
Host your pitch deck on Jetpack. Build your investment profile and send securely to potential investors.
Pitch deck tracking
Track email sends, opens and responses, plus gain valuable insight into which investors are viewing your pitch deck.
Raise management
Manage your entire raise in one central location. Submissions, responses, meetings and offers, all from one screen.
Targeted campaigns
Create multiple shortlists (Angel, VC, Impact, etc) and create tailored outreach messages for each campaign.
Unlimited access to 5,000+ investor email addresses. 😲
Gain deep insights into your financial health with our advanced analytics tools. Track your spending patterns, identify trends, and visualize your financial data through interactive.
Submit your deck direct from the platform to named email addresses.
Send your pitch deck direct to the investors making the the decision. Over 90% of our datbase has named-email addresses. No more info@ or VC website submissions.
Host your pitch deck and track investor engagement.
Create and host your pitch deck on a secure investment proposition profile page. Track investor interest and engagement, with enquiry forms and custom meeting bookings.
See a live example here.